There was an insane amount of hype around this announcement and everyone seems to have an opinion about it. Here’s mine…
Any time Apple releases a new product, people expect that it will revolutionize the way we live, work and/or play. There is no possible way that a company can ever deliver to those expectations. Ultimately, Apple will disappoint simply because people are unrealistic.
Regarding the iPad… I don’t have an issue with the device, but I do have an issue with what Apple is trying to tell me it will do for me. They are trying to reprogram my brain to believe how much of a game changer the iPad will be. They are trying to convince me that if I drink from this cool-aid, I can chuck my laptop out the window and that life as we know it will change for the better. Sorry Apple, I don’t need anyone to tell me that the game will change. Change happens naturally, you don’t have to force it. The iPad is no game changer. (Bubble bursting sound goes here)
My thoughts on the iPad is that it isn’t revolutionary. It is simply a sexy device that certain folks will find entertaining. A device doesn’t change the game simply because it has a web browser and a sexy interface. Let’s not forget that the Nintendo Wii was sexy when first introduced. It had a great interface, web browser and it sold like hotcakes. Ultimately, it is nothing but an entertainment device just like every other game system on the planet. It didn’t change the game, it just added a new dynamic to it. I think we will see the same thing with the iPad. People will find it attractive and some may even find it useful. However, it will not cause the value of laptops to collapse or cause your local library to close its doors. I’m referring to the ridiculous claims that the Apple eBook store will cause book publishers to go out of business. Say what??? Ok, first of all, eBook readers have been around for years. The Sony eReader is cool in its own way and serves a distinct purpose, but it did not send ripples through publishing industry. Sorry but that’s just crazy talk Apple.
Apps are proving to be a nice chunk of continuous revenue for Apple. I think the iPad is another channel that Apple is carving to take advantage of this latest craze. This is a smart move. I think you will see a lot more devices taking advantage of this. I expect to see a new type of App store designed to work with all the non-Apple devices looking to take advantage of the App revolution. When that happens, Apple will be at risk of isolation and may see a disadvantage. Especially if the demand for the non-Apple App store is stronger… all it takes is for a shiny new device with a bargain price. This is the risk that you run when you isolate your business too much in an attempt to maintain control.
As for the future of the iPad, it will be as popular as the PS3 was when first introduced. I think they sold about 50 of them in the state of Oregon the first year. It wasn’t until a huge price adjustment that Sony started selling them at a respectable rate. Supply and demand. :)
Bad news for Apple. Looks like my prediction has been proven already. The Apple App Store will soon have lot of competition from an open development community.
"As of now, Apple has had control over all apps that officially run on its iPhones, offering them through the company's official online store. Users with the ability are able to "jailbreak" the phones to run other apps, but the overwhelming majority of them come through Apple's store.
By creating a new platform, the Wholesale Applications Community would theoretically let developers write programs that would be usable on multiple smartphones instead of just one."
Ok so I was wrong about one thing... The iPad is selling like hot cakes. Well, it's always fun to try to predict these things. I also never thought the eBay concept would work. I always challenged that people don't trust others enough to make it work. I was wrong in a big way! haha